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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1165
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2021 .14 .6123
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 14،
number In Volume 8،
issue Number 66
Place of Mysticism in the Poetic Literature of the Sacred Defense
Hakimeh Ghotbinejad (Author in Charge), Manouchehr Akbari , Alireza Hajiannejad
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The present study has been conducted on the place of mysticism in the literature of sacred defense poetry. The main purpose of this study is to answer the question of whether mystical terms and teachings have been used in the literature of the sacred defense system or not; If so, how did poets use mystical terms?
METHODOLOGY: This research is of theoretical type, relying on qualitative content analysis. The research method is a library method based on the study of books and articles related to the subject, which has carefully extracted and evaluated the required data from sources using the method of taking notes.
FINDINGS: Among the studied poems, those that had a mystical approach were extracted, and based on this, it was determined that the poets of the Holy Defense often used mystical teachings and terms in their poetry, and it was also determined that the poets were mystics. Practically and theoretically, they have also taken different positions in dealing with mysticism.
CONCLUSION: What is the result of this research is the certainty of the connection between mysticism and its concepts with the literature of sacred defense (poetry) and also the fact that the diversity of views and diversity of usage in relation to mysticism, combined with intensity and weakness, in the poems of observation poets Has been.
Holy Defense; Mysticism; Poetry; Holy Defense Literature
, Mystical Literature
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